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Gender Equality Plan in Horizon Europe

GEP © EU publications

A Gender Equality Plan (GEP) will be an eligibility criterion for calls in Horizon Europe with deadlines in 2022 and onwards. This applies to all public bodies, universities and research organizations from EU member states and associated countries.

The plan should include a set of commitments and actions aimed at promoting gender equality in an organisation through a process of structural change.

Progress has already been made in gender equality in research and innovation under the EU's Horizon 2020 research framework programme. However, gender inequalities in research & innovation persist (cf. She figures 2021).

The European Commission now wants to take a concrete step towards more gender equality with the Gender Equality Plan as a funding criterion for the new Horizon Europe framework programme.

Mandatory requirements for a GEP © European Union

Recommended thematic contents of the GEP:

  • Work-life balance & organisational culture
  • Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
  • Gender equality in recruitment & career advancement
  • Integration of the gender dimension in research and teaching content
  • Measures against gender-based violence

Step 1: First steps

  • Familiarise yourself with the GEP concept and find out how it fits your organisation and the specific context of your organisation
  • Identify and approach potential allies and supporters for a GEP in your organisation

Step 2: Analyse and assess the status quo

  • Collect gender-disaggregated data and critically review organisational procedures, processes and practices to uncover gender inequalities within your organisation and their causes

Step 3: Develop a GEP

  • Establish objectives and actions to address identified issues
  • Allocate resources and responsibilities
  • Draw up a timetable

Step 4: Implement a GEP

  • Implement the planned activities
  • Gradually expand the network of stakeholders supporting the implementation of the GEP

Step 5: Monitor progress and evaluate a GEP

  • Evaluate the implementation process and progress against the objectives set out in your GEP

Step 6: What comes after a GEP?

  • Possibility to develop a new GEP that builds on your experiences, lessons learned and successes based on the results of Steps 4 and 5 and ensures sustainability of actions

Source: Gender Equality in Academia and Research

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